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3rd Year Life

Everyone always says that your years at university are the best of your life, and to enjoy every moment while you still can. For me, these great years didn't really start until third year. I met a lot of new people in third year and my life was forever changed by them. They are my best friends and will never be forgotten.

Best Friends

Highlights of the year include:

By third year, students in the Kinesiology program start to have more personal choice for their courses, rather than having mandatory courses. Here are the courses I selected, and the professors that taught them.

3rd Year Courses
Course Professor
GG290: Global Resource and Environment Issues Dr. Hanna
GG231: Risks and Disasters Dr. Hanna
KP242: Organization and Administration in Physical Activity Dr. McTeer
KP262: Research Methods 2 Dr. MacPhee
KP322: Physiology of Physical Activity Dr. Tiidus
KP323: Human Growth and Motor Development Dr. Cinelli
KP321: Sports Medicine Ms. Bauman
KP341: History of Activity in Canada Dr. Wenn
KP351: Biomechanics Dr. Perry
KP371: Adapted Physical Activity Dr. Schneider

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