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4th Year Life

Welcome to the final year of my university career. Maybe it's because it's the most recent and fresh in my memory, but 4th year certainly seems like it was the most fun. Certain things had to be accomplished before graduating, and certain activities needed to be experienced before leaving my new home. Fourth year really was the epitome of my glory days.

The following are the courses I chose to enroll in for my final two semesters:

4th Year Courses
Course Professor
GG365: Canadian Urban Spaces Dr. Bates
GG393: Geography of Recreation Ms. McClinchey
GG273: Geography of Health and Disease Dr. Decker
KP361: Motor Control and Learning Dr. Almeida
KP412: Behaviour Modification Dr. Dawson
KP420: Sport and the Child Dr. Dawson
KP441: The Modern Olympic Games Dr. Wenn
KP410: Advanced Psychology of Physical Activity Dr. Tracey
KP413: Psychology of Injury Rehabilitation Dr. Tracey
KP442: Marketing in Sport and Activity Dr. McTeer

My 3 favourite courses from this year were:

  1. Modern Olympic Games*
  2. Behaviour Modification
  3. Geography of Recreation

* = The Modern Olympic Games class was my favourite class in all of university. We were assigned groups and given a city and had to research our city and put together a bid proposal as if we were in the running to host the Games. My group successfully won this bid process and it was so rewarding and such a fun experience.

Friend Zone

Best friends Staff at Dallas Staff
Roommates Graduates

All of the lovely people you see above have impacted my life in one way or another. The top row are pictures of the best coworkers anyone could ever possibly ask for.
The two below that are my beloved roommates who I miss dearly.

After four amazing years (including 3 summers), my life at Laurier has come to an end. It will certainly be a different experience this fall when I head off to a different school, but Laurier will always have a place in my heart.

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